
  • ARMENIO ALBERTO RODRIGUES DA RODA Universidade de Brasília



Ubuntu as an ethical-moral principle. , Human rights. , Humanism.


Firstly, the article seeks to present different concepts of the Ubuntu philosophy and its conformation with the logic of human rights. On the other hand, the article characterizes and analyzes Ubuntu as an organized set of ethical-moral principles and norms in terms of its historical and theoretical-conceptual construction, focusing on its recovery during the period after the so-called political-economic transitions in the 1990s Africa, with special attention to the Republic of Mozambique, given that it was at this time that there was a greater political-social affirmation of Ubuntu and its recovery or rebirth. On the other hand, the article defines Ubuntu/Umuntu as a principle that positions the life of all the beings that inhabit planet Earth, including the entire human family, and not just human beings. Therefore, Ubuntu defends and safeguards values such as humanism, dignity, otherness, community, solidarity and interculturality in the light of the African worldview of life, in its most general and comprehensive sense. Nevertheless, the work discusses categories of Ubuntu-African philosophy from a variety of perspectives, namely Muntu, Kintu, Hantu and Kuntu (permeated by Ubuntu); in other words, beings (living, non-living and not-yet-born beings) and not just living beings in the purely biological sense.


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Author Biographies



Doutor em Relações Interculturais pela Universidade Aberta. Docente dos módulos de Direitos Humanos e Desafios Contemporâneos, e Paz e Segurança Internacional na Corporate Business School - Escola Superior de Gestão Corporativa e Social (CBS-ESGCS).

Maputo, Estado-Maputo, País  Moçambique


Pós-Doutor. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

 Espítiro Santo, Vitória, Brasil.


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Dossiê temático: Temas da História de Moçambique nos séculos XX e XXI