POLICY PHARMACOPEIA: an ethnography of anti-prohibitionism and the struggle for the liberation of marijuana in Colombia


  • ANDRÉS GÓNGORA Universidad Nacional de Colombia




Pharmakon. Marihuana. Prohibicionismo.


Abstract: This article presents the results of the ethnographic research developed with the cannabis movement of Colombia between the years 2013 and 2017. Firstly, it is shown how in that country, drug prohibition emerged as a sanitary, moral and economic arrangement to monopolize the production of medicines and poisons. It is argued that knowledge about the relationship between people and pharmakon, developed mainly by specialists in public security, political economy and psi  knowledge, systematically ignores the political agency of users and small drug producers. Secondly, searching the history of marijuana and its advocates, it describes the struggle to free the plant and get it back into the grounds of tolerated drunkenness, the medicine and industry.

Keywords: Pharmakon. Marijuana. Prohibitionism.



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Author Biography

ANDRÉS GÓNGORA, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

PPGAS/Museu Nacional/UFRJ

CES/Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia




How to Cite

GÓNGORA, A. (2017). POLICY PHARMACOPEIA: an ethnography of anti-prohibitionism and the struggle for the liberation of marijuana in Colombia. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 14(24), 228–246. https://doi.org/10.18817/ot.v14i24.608