THE HISTORY SCIENCE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMPREHENSION OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLIC POLICIES:an analysis of the Support Program to the Plans for Restructuring and Expanding Federal Universities (REUNI) –2008-2012


  • SUSELI CRISTIANE ALVES CAMILO Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).



Polá­ticas públicas educacionais. Consciência histórica. Reforma nas universidades federais. REUNI.


Abstract: This article aims to present the results of an analysis of the Support Program to the Plans for Restructuring  and  Expanding  Federal  Universities  (REUNI).  This  program  has  been  conducted  as  a stage  in the ‘reforming background’ of Brazilian federal universities, considering the the mid-1980s. The REUNI proposal considers the incentive for a curricular innovation on the degree courses as the main program element. It’s focused to comprehend which  contemporary society needs resulted in a necessity  of  reforms  in  the  Brazilian  federal  universities.  We  aim  to  demonstrate  how  a  historical approach  may  contribute  to  the  comprehension  of educational  public  policies.  Methodologically,  the research  is  being  conducted  through  the  analysis  of  the  narratives  of  meaning  concerning  to  the reform.  The  results  of  the  research  intend  to  demonstrate  that  the  success  of  REUNI  has  been constrained  to  the  ability  of  its  proposal  to  disrupt  the  tradition  of  professional  training  at  federal universities.

Keywords: Public Education policies. Historical conscience.  Federal Universities Reform. REUNI.


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Author Biography

SUSELI CRISTIANE ALVES CAMILO, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).

Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UNESP/Assis-SP/Professora da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).





How to Cite

CAMILO, S. C. A. (2016). THE HISTORY SCIENCE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE COMPREHENSION OF EDUCATIONAL PUBLIC POLICIES:an analysis of the Support Program to the Plans for Restructuring and Expanding Federal Universities (REUNI) –2008-2012. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 13(22), 1–25.