AS EPIDEMIAS E A MORTE: mudanças nas práticas de sepultamento em São Luís na segunda metade do século XIX (1854 - 1856)


  • Agostinho Júnior Holanda Coe Mestrando em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Ceará/Bolsista Capes.



hygienic, epidemics, burial, cemetery,


Discussion about the epidemics that afflicted São Luis during the XIX century and their relation with the burial practice changes. The concepts of modernity paradigms at the capital means judgments about what should or not should be preserved, about what would be good and bad places, progress and decadence, establishing rules to be followed. One of the main actions that would be taken to wanting to turn into the ludovicense urban environment a more hygienic place, was get through with burial in the churches and move it to far way places of the city area. So, aim to decrease the great numbers outbreak of epidemics that afflicted the city during the XIX century, ceasing the actions of miasmas, plague vapor causer of physical bad to the alive.


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How to Cite

Coe, A. J. H. (2007). AS EPIDEMIAS E A MORTE: mudanças nas práticas de sepultamento em São Luís na segunda metade do século XIX (1854 - 1856). Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 4(4).