
  • CAMILA URRUTIA Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile



Chilean Art, Paris Biennale, Contemporary Art


This article reflects upon the Chilean participation at the XII Paris Biennale in 1982 as a case study for contemporary art insertion, understood as an artistic period. The texts that accompanied the exhibition are reviewed as part of a scene construction, where the narratives that hold together the reading of this scene as such are a crucial part of this show, as well as a symptom of contemporaneity in the Chilean visual arts. Through the analysis of these texts under the light of contemporary art as a period, the article presses the inclusion of the Chilean visual arts scene in a global order in the context of the military ruling that spanned from 1973 to 1989.



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Author Biography

CAMILA URRUTIA, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Doctoranda en Historia (PUC-Chile)





a) Medios electrónicos

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b) Revistas y publicaciones periódicas

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How to Cite

URRUTIA, C. . (2022). CHILE AT THE XII PARIS BIENNALE, NOTES ON AN UNOFFICIAL PARTICIPACION. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 19(33), 90–116.