FOUCAULT AND THE PASTORAL OF THE CONFESSION: the act of confession in the Christian government of souls and the punishment for each sin according to the Decretum (1000-1025) by Burchard of Worms


  • PABLO GATT Universidade Federal do Espá­rito Santo - UFES



Pecado, Confissão, Michel Foucault


Abstract: The article in question aims to discuss what the philosopher and historian of ideas, Michel Foucault (1926-198), understood by the pastoral term of confession, investigating from the context of the early centuries of the Christian era and the Middle Ages to understand how the practices of confession were carried out. In the same way, we will analyze through the Decretum (1000-1025), by Burchard of Worms, how the punishments were stipulated for each sin committed, since, in the discourse of the Church and in the imaginary of medieval society, the punishments varied according to the gravity of the sinful act, and, by the fulfillment of these punishments, the individual sinner would be on the road to the salvation of their soul.

Keywords: Sin. Confession. Michel Foucault.


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Author Biography

PABLO GATT, Universidade Federal do Espá­rito Santo - UFES

Doutorando em História / Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.
Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brasil.



How to Cite

GATT, P. (2021). FOUCAULT AND THE PASTORAL OF THE CONFESSION: the act of confession in the Christian government of souls and the punishment for each sin according to the Decretum (1000-1025) by Burchard of Worms. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 18(31), 1–16.