AND THEY SHALL SIT DOWN AT THE TABLE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Eugene D. Genovese and the gospel in senzalas (slave quarters)


  • Fábio Pereira de Carvalho Mestrando PPGH-UFF Rio de Janeiro, RJ-Brasil



Eugene Genovese, Christianity, Rural Slaves, E. P. Thompson,


This article proposes to examine how the author Eugene D. Genovese in his book, RollJordan Roll, used the Christianity of the slaves in the United States as a basis for their argument thatthey managed to build an autonomy - economic, political and even intellectual - and fight for it. Thus,the author, in dialogue with the Marxist renewal of his time, mainly from English authors EricHobsbawm, and Edward Palmer Thompson Christophen Hill, wanted to fight an orthodox Marxism,which in his words, victimize the workers as a whole and for United States, slaves in particular. TheChristian  tradition  then  becomes  just  a  combat  weapon used  by  the  slaves,  disagreeing  thatChristianity  become slaves in  Sambo.  Furthermore,  this  article  also  examines  the possibility  ofdialogue between Brazil and the United States regarding the mode of appropriation of Christianityamong the rural slaves.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, F. P. de. (2011). AND THEY SHALL SIT DOWN AT THE TABLE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD: Eugene D. Genovese and the gospel in senzalas (slave quarters). Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 8(12).