THE CREATION OF THE PRIESTLY STAFF IN MARANHÃO BISHOPRIC (19th century): Seminary formation and introduction of new disciplinary models


  • Wheriston Silva Neris Doutorando NPPCS-UFS São Cristóvão, Sergipe-Brasil



Seminaries, Reproduction, Sacerdotal Body, Bishopric of Maranhão,


The purpose of this article is to reflect about the introduction of institutional new rules of control,adjustment and reproduction of sacerdotal body of th Bishopric of Maranhão in th second half of XIX. century,focusing the structure of priestly seminaries of Nossa Senhora das Mercês and Santo Antônio. The methods usedon research were the analysis of regional eclesiastic history, recent scientific searchs, newspapers and documentsof  Acervo  Documental  da  Arquidiocese  do  Maranhão  available  at  Arquivo  Público  do  Estado  doMaranhão (APEM/MA). The analysis demonstrates the way that instituional ministers tried to constitute a newcultural and social basis for the Catholic Church, in opposite of constant references, specially in the SecondReign, when the priesthood had precaries eclesiastic and moral formations.


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How to Cite

Neris, W. S. (2010). THE CREATION OF THE PRIESTLY STAFF IN MARANHÃO BISHOPRIC (19th century): Seminary formation and introduction of new disciplinary models. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 8(12).