GENDER ISSUES ON THE PUBLIC ANDPOLITIC AGENDA IN CAPE VERDE, AFRICA:The Role of Feminists NGOs in the Struggles for Women's Rights


  • CARLA SANTOS DE CARVALHO Universidade de Cabo Verde



Mulheres. ONG. Cabo Verde.


Abstract: The inequalities between women and men started to be reported by women themselves in Cape Verde.  We  agree  that  these  allegations  have  allowed  women  to  acquire  rights  and  building  an  equality agenda. Therefore, we propose to analyze the role of NGOs committed to gender equality in Cape Verde for  the  defense  of  women's  rights  in  a  context  of  invisibility  of  women's  role  in  public  sphere.  The methodology  is  document  research  and  interviews  with  three  NGO’s  Presidents.  These  NGOs  have created conditions that ensure equality between men and  women,  with particular emphasis on promoting the  empowerment  of  women,  especially  to  counter  the  inequality  indicators.  These  organizations  have demonstrated  capacity  to  promote  change,  causing  changes  in  the  social  structure,  influencing  new practices and causing new social relationship models of gender equality.

Keywords: Women. NGO. Cape Verd.


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Author Biography

CARLA SANTOS DE CARVALHO, Universidade de Cabo Verde

Doutoranda em Estudos de Desenvolvimento no Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão da Universidade de Lisboa, Professora da Universidade de Cabo Verde.



How to Cite

CARVALHO, C. S. D. (2015). GENDER ISSUES ON THE PUBLIC ANDPOLITIC AGENDA IN CAPE VERDE, AFRICA:The Role of Feminists NGOs in the Struggles for Women’s Rights. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 12(19).