MEMÓRIAS DE FREI SERVANDO TERESA DE MIER: o selvagem ilustrado desbrava as Terras do Velho Mundo


  • Carolina da Cunha Rocha



Independent National State, memory, identity, representation, Hispanic-America.


This article aims at comprehending the changes which took place in the way of thinking in the Hispanic-American context of formation of the national independent states (XVIII-XIX), when Illuminism ideas reached the colonies, becoming the basis of Mexican priest Servando Teresa de Mier (1763-1827) ideas. For being privileged witness, wandering around places from where reforming forces were strong and after suffering expatriation for relating political reasons to Guadalupe’s miracle, Mier appears as a typical representation of the criollos, which protagonism associates concepts of the illustrated modernity, with its rational and scientific ideals, to the Colonial Mexico cultural and spiritual background. This work discuss the boundaries of the work Memorias and his contribution to the establishment of the Mexican Independent State, as well as to the formation of a national identity.


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. da C. (2009). MEMÓRIAS DE FREI SERVANDO TERESA DE MIER: o selvagem ilustrado desbrava as Terras do Velho Mundo. Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 6(7).