THE FORMATION OF THE ARMED FORCES OF MOZAMBIQUE: the making of the military institution after the independence (1975-1992)


  • ADRIANO DE FREIXO Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



Armed Forces of Mozambique. , FRELIMO. , Military Institution.


In this article we analyze the formation process of the Armed Forces of Mozambique, seeking to understand the factors that influenced the institutionalization and structuring of its various branches. Based on the assumption that the structuring of the Mozambican military institution followed an immediate and urgent logic, with the State acting, almost always, in a reactive manner, we present the internal and external factors that conditioned the decision-making processes and the choices of the FRELIMO government in the years following independence. We also seek to debate the extent to which the creation of the Armed Forces obeyed decisions that were calculated and planned, in addition to demonstrating how the military institution shaped the behavior of the ruling elites and the Mozambican State as a whole.


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Author Biographies

ADRIANO DE FREIXO, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF



Doutor em História Social (UFRJ).

Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos (INEST),

da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil



Doutor em Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais (UFRGS)

Centro de Estudos Estratégicos e Internacionais (CEEI),

da Universidade Joaquim Chissano (UJC)

Maputo, Moçambique



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How to Cite

DE FREIXO, A., & CHINGOTUANE, ÉNIO V. F. (2024). THE FORMATION OF THE ARMED FORCES OF MOZAMBIQUE: the making of the military institution after the independence (1975-1992). Outros Tempos: Pesquisa Em Foco - História, 21(38), 165–197.



Dossiê temático: Temas da História de Moçambique nos séculos XX e XXI